Healing Tea Recipes
Given its naturally sweet flavour and low tannin content, rooibos makes an excellent base for additional flavours. “A cup of tea makes everything better” is a lovely sentiment, but when a cup of tea has actual health benefits it really adds to this quote. Read on to see two recipes to make your own healing cup of rooibos.
Wild Grown with slices of ginger, lemon, and a drizzle of honey
Sustainably harvested from naturally vegetated slopes, this tea is light in colour with lingering complexity. Together with a drizzle of honey and slices of ginger and fresh lemon, this classic South African combo offers immune boosting vitamin C, antioxidants, and phytonutrients to help you stave off those upcoming winter flu symptoms.
To make a cup of this healing tea, you will need:
- 1 teaspoon Single Origin Wild Grown Rooibos
- 250 ml just boiled water, allowed to cool for 2-3 minutes
- 1 cm ginger, thinly sliced
- 1-2 slices of lemon
- Honey, to taste
Prepare the rooibos by steeping the leaves in boiling water together with the ginger for 4-5 minutes. Remove the tea leaves and squeeze the lemon into the tea before dropping in the slice, if you like. Finish with a drop of honey, and enjoy it warm.
Cederberg Foothills with refreshing mint
The smooth tannins and full mouthfeel of our Cederberg Foothills tea pairs well with the strong, refreshing flavour of fresh mint. After those comforting autumn meals, a little help with digestion is always welcome. Peppermint contains menthol, menthone and limonene which helps soothe your digestion, making this a great tea for after heavy meals or an excellent mid morning pick-me-up.
To make this refreshing tea, you will need:
- 1 tea bag Cederberg Foothills
- 5 sprigs of fresh mint
Steep the tea bag and mint leaves in boiled water for 5-6 minutes. You can add more fresh mint for a stronger flavour.